AI Typee poetry and a sort of choose-your-own-adventure text game

My prompt, and ChatGPT's response. That it can more or less comply with a request is certainly remarkable. I'd have no idea how to create such software; I only know a little BASIC, html, css, and wiki.  That said, there's any number of issues and weirdly they would seem to have been easily avoidable.

It doesn't give the poem a title, even though they're pretty standard for poetry; that's something I've noticed it didn't tend to do in the past. The poetry previously mentioned when it had forged references; in that case it did.

Why would it describe Tommo and Toby as children? Why would it force a rhyme by changing the word to the singular, instead of looking for a different rhyme? Granted, poetry often takes liberties with words - maybe that's what it's trying to do?

Why does it describe Tommo as being "with tattoos" when he has none, and gets none, and has a horror of getting them?

Isn't it a little strange to describe Fayaway as "so chic," when there's no fashion industry or media on the island?

How could Toby be said to have been "imprisoned in taboo"?

What does it mean by "tape" in "Typee's cruel tape"?

Do "nature" and "forevermore," "adventure" and "treasure" really rhyme?

When it comes up with responses that (in contrast to this) are entirely accurate, is that just pure dumb luck? Are we the users giving it too much credit for successes, and ignoring half-truths, falsehoods, failures - somewhat akin to how suckers remember so-called psychics' successes but dismiss or give credit for their failures?  I'm not sure. I wish there was more of a window into its processes.

Write a poem following the plot of Typee that incorporates the significant characters of the novel.

In Nuku Hiva's green and wild,

Tommo and Toby, two young child,

Disembarked from ship with daring,

Into the hands of Typee tribe, unerring.

Typee, a tribe feared by all,

Welcomed them with open call,

Mingled in their culture, their way,

Living a life so free, each day.

Tommo with tattoos, so unique,

Living with Fayaway, beauty so chic,

Toby, imprisoned in taboo,

Yearned for escape, his mind askew.

Mehevi, the chief, a powerful man,

Determined to help, with a plan,

His daughter, true and pure,

Saved Toby, of this he was sure.

Kory-Kory, a true friend,

Helped Tommo till the end,

Provided the way to escape,

Saved them from Typee's cruel tape.

The island, so full of life,

Taught Tommo the meaning of strife,

The beauty of freedom and nature,

Changed his life, forevermore.

Typee, a novel of adventure,

Intrigue and culture, a treasure,

A tale of friendship and escape,

A journey of courage and faith.

Also rather remarkable, the software can create text adventure games of various styles. I've had it do Infocom style games with commands like Take (x), Use (x), Search (x), Go (x) before, and even freer instructions than that. I've also specified that it offer multiple choices. In this case, I wasn't specific in my prompt, and it decided to make it multiple choice of three.

Did it follow the plot of Typee?  To an extent. Captain Vangs doesn't go on the island and then have to escape with Toby and Tommo.  Tommo gets injured in the novel, somewhat significant plot point, but doesn't in the game. The game introduces Kory-Kory as someone already met, even though in the game he *hadn't* yet been met. It fails to ever introduce Fayaway and others. Etc.

Did it come up with the whole game at once, with all possible choices mapped out, or only generate responses as needed depending which choice was taken?  Unclear.

Create a text adventure game following the plot of Typee, starting with the ship in the harbor and Tommo talking to Toby. I play Tommo. Prompt me for my command to proceed in the game.

Welcome to the Typee text adventure game! You are playing the role of Tommo, a sailor who has just arrived in the harbor of Nuku Hiva, and you are speaking with your friend Toby. Your objective is to survive the dangers of the island and escape from the clutches of the Typee tribe.

You are standing on the deck of the ship, and Toby is standing next to you. The ship is surrounded by crystal clear water, and the smell of salt is in the air. You can see the lush greenery of the island in the distance, and you know that danger and adventure await you there.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Toby if he knows anything about the island.
2.  Look for Captain Vangs and ask him what the plan is.
3.  Go below deck and get some supplies.

Choose your command and let the adventure begin!


You turn to Toby and ask him if he knows anything about the island.

Toby replies, "Aye, I've heard some tales about this island. They say the natives are cannibals and will eat anyone who sets foot on their land."

You start to feel nervous, but you also know that you can't turn back now. You have to find a way off this island and back home.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Toby if he knows anything else about the island.
2.  Look around the ship and see if there are any weapons or tools you can use.
3.  Jump into the water and swim to the island.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to look around the ship and see if there are any weapons or tools you can use. You start to search the ship and find a small knife and a length of rope.

You also see Captain Vangs walking towards you, and he looks like he's in a hurry.

"Tommo, we're leaving soon. Make sure you have everything you need and be ready to go," he says.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Captain Vangs about the plan to leave the island.
2.  Explore the ship one more time to see if there's anything you missed.
3.  Go to your cabin and pack your things.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to go to your cabin and pack your things. As you walk down to your cabin, you see some of the crew members rushing around, preparing to leave the island.

When you get to your cabin, you quickly pack your belongings into a small bag. You take the knife and rope you found earlier and put them in your bag as well.

As you're leaving your cabin, you hear a commotion outside. It sounds like some of the crew members are arguing with Captain Vangs about something.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Go outside and see what the commotion is about.
2.  Stay in your cabin and wait for things to calm down.
3.  Leave the ship and explore the island on your own.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to leave the ship and explore the island on your own. You know that it's risky, but you're determined to find a way off this island and back home.

You quietly slip off the ship and make your way to the shore. The island looks beautiful, but you know that danger lurks in the shadows.

As you start to walk along the shore, you hear the sound of drums in the distance. You know that it's the Typee tribe, and they're getting closer.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Hide behind some nearby bushes and wait for them to pass.
2.  Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
3.  Stay where you are and try to reason with them.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. You know that the Typee tribe is dangerous, and you don't want to risk being caught by them.

You run along the shore, trying to put as much distance between you and the drums as possible. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and you're starting to feel exhausted.

As you're running, you see a small cave in the distance. You know that it's risky, but you also know that it might be your only chance to hide from the Typee tribe.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Keep running along the shore and try to find a better place to hide.
2.  Go into the cave and try to hide from the Typee tribe.
3.  Turn around and try to reason with the Typee tribe.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to go into the cave and try to hide from the Typee tribe. You quickly make your way to the cave and hide behind a large rock inside.

You can hear the sound of the drums getting louder and closer, and you know that the Typee tribe is nearby. You try to stay quiet and hope that they don't find you.

After a few minutes, you hear the sound of footsteps outside the cave. You hold your breath and pray that they don't see you.

Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around, ready to defend yourself, but it's Toby!

"Tommo, what are you doing here?" he asks.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Toby how he found you.
2.  Tell Toby about the Typee tribe and how dangerous they are.
3.  Go back to the ship with Toby and try to leave the island.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to tell Toby about the Typee tribe and how dangerous they are. You explain to him what happened and how you had to hide in the cave to avoid being caught by them.

Toby listens intently and nods his head. "I've heard about the Typee tribe. They're known to be fierce warriors and cannibals. We need to be careful."

Just then, you hear the sound of more footsteps outside the cave. You peek out and see that it's Captain Vangs and some of the crew members.

"Tommo, Toby, what are you doing here?" Captain Vangs asks.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Captain Vangs about the plan to leave the island.
2.  Tell Captain Vangs about the Typee tribe and the danger they pose.
3.  Ignore Captain Vangs and try to find a way off the island on your own.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to tell Captain Vangs about the Typee tribe and the danger they pose. You explain to him what happened and how you had to hide in the cave to avoid being caught by them.

Captain Vangs listens intently and nods his head. "I've heard about the Typee tribe too. We need to be careful and make sure we're all together."

He then explains the plan to leave the island. "We're going to wait until nightfall and then make a run for the ship. We'll stick together and move quickly. Hopefully, we can avoid the Typee tribe and get back to the ship safely."

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Ask Captain Vangs about the route they plan to take to get back to the ship.
2.  Suggest a different plan to avoid the Typee tribe.
3.  Wait with Captain Vangs and the crew for nightfall and then follow their plan.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to suggest a different plan to avoid the Typee tribe. You explain to Captain Vangs that you think it might be safer to try and find a different route back to the ship, one that avoids the areas where the Typee tribe is known to be.

Captain Vangs listens to your suggestion and nods his head. "That's a good idea, Tommo. Do you have any suggestions on where we should go?"

You remember seeing a small path that led through the forest and towards the shore. You suggest that they try to take that path instead.

Captain Vangs considers your suggestion for a moment and then nods his head. "Alright, let's give it a try. We'll take that path and see if we can avoid the Typee tribe."

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Lead the way through the forest and towards the shore.
2.  Stay with Captain Vangs and the crew and follow them through the forest.
3.  Wait behind and keep a lookout for any danger.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to lead the way through the forest and towards the shore. You remember the path you saw earlier and start making your way towards it.

As you're walking, you keep a lookout for any signs of danger. You're nervous and on edge, but you try to stay focused and lead the way.

After walking for some time, you finally reach the path that leads towards the shore. You can see the ship in the distance, and your heart lifts with hope.

But just as you're about to step onto the path, you hear the sound of drums in the distance. You freeze, knowing that it's the Typee tribe.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Try to hide and wait for the Typee tribe to pass.
2.  Run towards the ship as fast as you can.
3.  Confront the Typee tribe and try to reason with them.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to try and hide and wait for the Typee tribe to pass. You quickly look around and spot a small cave nearby. You motion for Captain Vangs and the crew to follow you and you all hide inside the cave.

You can hear the sound of the drums getting louder and closer, and you know that the Typee tribe is nearby. You try to stay quiet and hope that they don't find you.

After a few tense moments, you hear the sound of footsteps outside the cave. You hold your breath and pray that they don't find you.

But suddenly, you hear a voice that you recognize. It's Kory-Kory, the friendly islander who helped you and Toby when you first arrived on the island.

What would you like to do, Tommo?

1.  Come out of the cave and talk to Kory-Kory.
2.  Stay hidden and wait for the Typee tribe to pass.
3.  Follow Kory-Kory and try to find a way off the island.

Choose your command wisely, Tommo.


You decide to come out of the cave and talk to Kory-Kory. You cautiously step out of the cave, followed by Captain Vangs and the crew.

Kory-Kory is standing a few feet away, looking relieved to see you. He explains that he's been looking for you and Toby ever since you disappeared. He tells you that he knows a way to get off the island, but you need to follow him quickly.

You and the crew follow Kory-Kory through the forest, trying to move as quietly as possible. You can hear the sound of the drums getting louder, and you know that the Typee tribe is getting closer.

Finally, after what seems like hours of walking, you arrive at a small cove. You can see a boat waiting for you, manned by a few friendly islanders who are ready to help you escape.

You and the crew climb aboard the boat, and Kory-Kory takes the helm. As you sail away from the island, you look back and see the Typee tribe on the shore, watching you leave.

You feel relieved and grateful to be safe, but you also feel a pang of sadness at leaving behind the island and the people who helped you.

Congratulations, Tommo! You have successfully escaped from the island of Typee. Thank you for playing this text adventure game based on the novel "Typee" by Herman Melville.


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